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Pupil Premium


All schools receive extra funding from the government to help certain groups of children do as well as they should in school. The pupil premium strategy is used to narrow the achievement gap between students identified as being from a disadvantaged background and other students. Schools receive pupil premium funding for the following students:

Students who receive school meals

  • If your child currently receives free school meals, or has at any time in the previous 6 academic years. 

Children Looked After (CLA)

  • Children looked-after (CLA) are defined in the Children Act 1989 as one who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English local authority.

Children in care, adopted from care, or who have left care (PLAC)

  • This applies if your child was looked after by an English or Welsh local authority immediately before being adopted, or they left local authority care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order).
  • To enable your child's school to claim the Pupil Premium for an adopted young person, you will need to inform the school about your child and provide supporting evidence, for example, show the school the original Adoption (Court) Order. 

Service Children

  • Children whose parents serve or have served in the armed forces are eligible for the service child premium.

We recognise that for some of these groups the information is very confidential. We therefore invite parents, carers and guardians to contact us in the strictest confidence if they believe their child is eligible under the adoption criteria; or if you have served in the Armed Forces, and have not notified us, please let us know.

Please submit the information for the attention of Roger Gavin, Finance Manager, by phoning the school office on 01943 872315 or by emailing [email protected].

You may also wish to read the Department for Education’s Conditions of Pupil Premium Grant information.

Pupil Premium strategy

For the year 2023/24, the Pupil Premium has a value of £1035 for Free School Meals students, £2530 for looked after children and £335 for service children. The government allows schools to decide the most appropriate use of this funding to support with narrowing the attainment gap between these students and their peers.

The DfE and the Education Endowment Fund are clear that evidence show the most effective was to improve outcomes for disadvantaged students I through improved quality of teaching. At Guiseley School, we are supporting our disadvantaged students in the following 3 areas:

Pie chart showing the split of Pupil Premium spending - 50% teaching, 25% targeted academic support, 25% wider strategies

The intended outcomes of the Pupil Premium Strategy at Guiseley School include:

  • All disadvantaged students receive quality first teaching in their lessons with staff supporting their progress through personalised strategies in the classroom and through appropriate ability grouping 
  • PP students make greater progress as a result of attending school with greater frequency
  • Greater parental engagement with school
  • Accelerated progress in reading ages and reading comprehension of students
  • Accelerated progress for all PP students in English and Maths (particularly those with multiple disadvantage).
