All students in all year groups have the opportunity to take on leadership responsibilities at Guiseley School:
House Council
On arrival at Guiseley School, students are sorted into one of our four houses: Gamma, Omega, Delta or Sigma. They remain a member of this house until Year 11, with those students opting to continue study at our Sixth Form being re-sorted into houses at the beginning of Year 12.
In the first half-term, students from each house vote to elect a House Representative for their year group. Students vote using ballot papers and make their mark in the school hall.
The elected students in each house form a House Council. The House Councils function like traditional school councils with the added responsibility of designing and organising house competitions.
The student leaders also take regular student feedback on improvements they want to make to the school, then meeting regularly with the Headteacher to discuss student priorities.
The House Council also organises House charity events to raise money for our chosen charities and takes part in the work the school does with the wider community (e.g. our annual Senior Citizens Christmas event).
Students at Guiseley School are rewarded with house points. In lessons, house points take the form of stamps in students’ planners. However, in house competitions, students are awarded house points for participation as well as placing highly.
House events take place in form time every two weeks and form part of a wider programme of events such as the Christmas Card Competition and our hotly contested Sports’ Day.
At the end of the year, the House with the highest number of House points is awarded the House Cup alongside the winners of the Sports’ Day Trophy.
Other leadership opportunities:
- Students can apply to become student librarians, keeping the library tidy and issuing books.
- Our Geog Soc give students the opportunity to lead the school in becoming a maore eco-friendly place, running clothes swaps and attending climate conferences.
- A number of our extra-curricular clubs are student-led including robotics club and war-hammer club.