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Statement of Behaviour Principles


This statement of principles from the Governing Body of Guiseley School developed in line with the Education and Inspections Act, 2006, and DfE guidance (Behaviour and Discipline in Schools, January 2016). The purpose of the statement is to provide guidance for the Headteacher in developing the school’s Behaviour Policy so that it reflects the vision, values and core values of the school.

The behaviour principles, and supporting policy, are designed to provide a consistent framework which enables all school staff to be aware of and understand the extent of their powers in respect of discipline and sanctions and how to use them. Staff should be confident that they have the governors’ support when following this guidance. This is a statement of principles, not practice; it is the responsibility of the Headteacher and supporting senior leaders to develop and embed the school’s behaviour policy.


The Governors of Guiseley School strongly believe that high standards of behaviour and discipline lie at the heart of a successful school. This enables:

  • All pupils to make the best possible progress in all aspects of their school life
  • All pupils to feel safe and secure in school
  • All staff to be able to teach and promote good learning without interruption or lost learning time

Guiseley School is an inclusive school. We strive to ensure every child is free from discrimination (as laid down in the Equality Act, 2010) and the school has a comprehensive Anti-bullying stance which incorporates preventative work, clear reporting mechanisms and a shared understanding that bullying will not be tolerated. Where bullying does occur, whether in school or outside of school, the school will respond and ensure the wellbeing of all pupils. Systems are consistently applied and monitored for effectiveness. Measures to protect pupils from bullying and discrimination as a result of gender, race, ability, sexual orientation, religious belief (or lack of belief), CLA status, disadvantage or background are set out in the policy. Incidents are recorded and trends monitored to inform ongoing preventative work.

Guiseley School is committed to working in partnership with parents and carers. A shared understanding of the school's behaviour policy is encouraged and parents and carers should have a key role in ensuring that they understand their child’s behaviour progress as well as helping their child to understand their responsibilities at school, in the local community and in preparation for their life after school. Where any child fails to meet the expectations of Guiseley School, parents and carers should be involved in reflecting on any issues and planning for improvement.

Guiseley School’s expectations are stated in the Behaviour Policy. This should set out expected standards of behaviour, should be displayed in all classrooms and other parts of the school and shared with and explained to all pupils. The Governors expect the rules to be consistently applied by all staff and regularly monitored for effectiveness.

Sanctions for unacceptable/poor behaviour should be known and understood by all staff and pupils and consistently applied. The full range of sanctions should be described in the Behaviour Policy so that pupils, staff and parents can understand how these are applied. The Behaviour & Discipline Policy will follow a ‘cumulative’ model to ensure that indiscretions are tracked and low-level disruption is eradicated over time. Sanctions should be monitored for their proper use and effective impact.

The Governors strongly feel that exclusions, particularly those that are permanent, must be used only as a very last resort but are clear that they are a necessary part of the school behaviour system. The Headteacher may inform the police if there is evidence of a criminal act or a fear that one may take place (e.g. if illegal drugs are discovered during a search; cyber-bullying; harassment). The use of part-time timetables will only be considered as a last resort and in cases where full-time access would be detrimental to a student’s mental or physical health or to the wellbeing of other students.

Guiseley School will make reasonable adjustments for students, providing they are pro-active, planned for and understood as part of an attempt to meet student need. This cannot be at the expense of whole-school discipline and must not have a corrosive effect on the behaviour of others. Guiseley School is committed to working alongside outside agencies including, but not limited to, the North West Area Inclusion Partnership, Aireborough Cluster, SENSAP, SENIT and the Virtual School to seek and explore solutions that are not available within the school’s universal or targeted provision.

Guiseley School reserves the right to take disciplinary action against pupils who are found to have made malicious accusations against school staff. Governors expect the Headteacher to draw on the advice in Dealing with Allegations of Abuse against Teachers and other staff guidance documents when setting out the pastoral support that school staff should expect to receive if they are accused of misusing their powers. Staff so accused should not be automatically suspended pending an investigation.

The Governing Body of Guiseley School expect the Headteacher, or appropriate senior leader, to report back to Governors on key features of school behaviour including, but not limited to, Attitude to Learning, use of Fixed Term Exclusions, hate-related incidents, internal performance indicators and the performance of vulnerable groups within these categories.


The Governors expect the Headteacher to address the following in the Guiseley School Behaviour & Discipline Policy:

Screening and searching pupils:

  • the reasons for searching pupils should be made explicit, together with details of who may search, where such searching should take place, what will happen to any banned items found as a result of such a search and what sanctions will be applied. It should also be made clear that parents do not have to be informed before a search. Governors would expect authorised staff to be appropriately trained in how to carry out a search.

The power to use reasonable force or make other physical contact:

  • the situations in which reasonable force may be used (including removing disruptive pupils from classrooms, or preventing them from leaving) should be stated. A definition of ‘reasonable force’ should be included, which should also explain how and when pupils may be restrained. Governors would expect all staff to be trained in the use of reasonable force and restraint.

The use of appropriate safeguarding related policy and documentation, including:

  • Prevent, Child Protection, Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Against Teachers and Other Staff and Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Linked policies

You can also find out more about our approach to behaviour in our One Minute Guide to Behaviour at Guiseley School.