A Level Physical Education
Examination Board: OCR
The content has been designed to allow learners to study Physical Education (PE) in an academic setting, enabling them to critically analyse and evaluate their physical performance and apply their experience of practical activity in developing their knowledge and understanding of the subject.
This course will prepare learners for the further study of PE or sports science courses as well as other related subject areas such as psychology, sociology and biology.
Learners will study across units
Physiological factors affecting performance
• 1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology • 1.2 Exercise physiology • 1.3 Biomechanics.
Psychological factors affecting performance
• 2.1 Skill acquisition • 2.2 Sports psychology.
Socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
• 3.1 Sport and Society • 3.2 Contemporary issues in physical activity and sport
Practical Performances
Evaluating and Analysing Performance for Improvement
The course aims to equip learners with both a depth and breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills relating to scientific, socio-cultural and practical aspects of physical education.
Physiological factors affecting performance (Examination – 2 hours/90marks/30% of total A Level)
Psychological factors affecting performance (Examination – 1 hour/60marks/20% of total A Level)
Socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport (Examination – 1 hour/60marks/20% of total A Level)
Practical Performances (Non-exam assessment - consists of one activity taken from the approved list. Learners can be assessed in the role of performer – 45marks/15% of total A Level)
Evaluating and Analysing Performance for Improvement (Non-exam assessment - consists of observing a live or recorded performance by a peer and then providing an oral response analysing and critically evaluating the performance – 45marks/15% of total A Level)
This, combined with other qualifications, will provide learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding to progress into higher education on a sport-related programme such as, sport and physical education, sport science, sport coaching and development or sport and leisure management. It will also allow them to choose non-sports related degree programmes.
Students who study PE are perceived as being excellent communicators, organisers, team members and leaders.