GCSE Religious Studies

GCSE Religious Studies helps you develop critical thinking, empathy, and the ability to engage with complex ideas. By studying religious, philosophical, and ethical issues, as well as Christianity and Islam, you'll sharpen your skills in analysis, argumentation, and understanding different perspectives. These skills are valuable in a wide range of careers, from law and politics to social work and education, equipping you to navigate and contribute to a diverse and interconnected world.
In the summer of Year 11 the students sit three GCSE exams. They are as follows:
- Component One: Religious Studies (route a) component 1 religious, philosophical and ethical studies (2 hours - 50% of final grade)
- Component Two: Study of Christianity (1 hour - 25% of final grade)
- Component Three: Islam: Study of world faith (1 hour - 25% of final grade)
The class teacher will clarify what topics are to be assessed in each PPE, in lessons. The timetable for the exams period will be given to the students, nearer the time of the PPEs.
Students have access to documentation from the exam board in their class folder on the VLE.
The exam board information can also be accessed here: https://www.eduqas.co.uk/qualifications/religious-studies-gcse/#tab_keydocuments
For revision materials BBC bitesize is recommended.
Please note, only look at the revision materials for Islam in the study of a world religion section: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/z68sjhv
The recommended revision guide to purchase is:
My Revision Notes WJEC Eduqas GCSE (9-1) Religious Studies Route A by Joy White & Gavin Craigen
ISBN: 1510414622
Published by Hodder Education
Students will also be provided with revision materials as part of the revision lessons taking place in class, prior to the GCSE exams in the summer.